The federal communications department has selected the Queensland University of Technology for a tender worth $219,989.01 which will see it conduct an independent review on the media sector.
A spokesperson for the department said the tender was part of ongoing reform across the media sector.
“In December 2019, the Government announced it would be undertaking a staged process of regulatory reform towards platform-neutral regulation of the Australian media as part of its response to the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry report,” a spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications said.
“The Department seeks expert advice on the range of media business models that have been adopted in overseas markets, and what measures have been put in place, or are being considered, to support media providers to transition to a more sustainable footing.
“This analysis is distinct from previous consultancies and inquiries in terms of scope, as it is focused on international precedent and best practice, rather than on developments in Australia, and on media content markets broadly, rather than just advertising markets and news production.”
The review is the third independent report on the industry in a year. QUT is home to the Digital Media Research Centre which will produce the Assessment of Media Business Models and Supports by the beginning of October.
The review follows the 18-month Digital Platforms Inquiry and is thought to be part of an ongoing series of budget changes across the media industry. It’s likely that content requirements will also be part of the review.
The ACCC is still going through its review of the big tech platforms in Australia and working on its News Media Bargaining Code which has been well received across the big media players, but has been condemned by the tech giants.
Earlier this year, Korda Mentha was paid almost $100,000 for a regional broadcasting sector review. Industry leader Megan Brownlow also reviewed the industry in the last 12 months.