The must-reads

I’ve combed the internet to find you today’s most fun/important/scary/fascinating stories about technology.

1 Remember Amazon’s drone delivery program?
It’s still struggling to take off. (The Information $)

2 These videos show how Iran violently suppresses protests
Security forces are beating and opening fire on civilians. (WP $)
+ Thousands of demonstrators continue to rail against authorities, though. (WSJ $)

3 Whisper is ChatGPT’s quieter cousin
The accuracy of the transcription model, also made by OpenAI, is near-perfect. (New Yorker $)
+ ChatGPT is launching a subscription tier for $20 a month. (Gizmodo)
+ Microsoft’s wasted no time integrating ChatGPT into Teams. (Reuters)
+ OpenAI is a real breeding ground for AI talent. (The Information $)
People are already using ChatGPT to create workout plans. (MIT Technology Review)

4 The crucial role satellites will play in space warfare 🛰️
They collect data to reveal rivals’ locations and weapons systems. (Wired $)
+ How to fight a war in space (and get away with it) (MIT Technology Review)

5 Instagram’s founders have launched a AI-aggregated news app
They believe Artifact can bust the news echo chambers popularized by Twitter. (FT $)

6 We don’t fully know how psychedelics can alter our brains 
All the more reason to exercise caution before you expand your mind. (The Atlantic $)
+ Mind-altering substances are being overhyped as wonder drugs. (MIT Technology Review)

7 Are you ready to feel the metaverse?
Haptic tech is the next step to making immersive experiences more life-like. (Economist $)
+ Meanwhile, Meta’s metaverse labs are still hemorrhaging money. (Insider $)

8 Forget 3D-printers, this is a 3D-printing factory
It’s all about scale, baby. (Bloomberg $)
+ Meet the designers printing houses out of salt and clay. (MIT Technology Review)

9 Voice-dictated text messages are riddled with errors
Goof duck interpreting them! (WSJ $)

10 TikTok’s ‘lucky girl syndrome’ is just another term for manifesting 🍀
Gen Z has discovered the power of positive thinking. (Vox)
+ Tiktok’s ‘dark psychology’ trend sounds a lot like gaslighting to me. (Vice)

Quote of the day
